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What Is Personal Care In Care Homes​

November 25th 2024

Personal care in care homes is much more than assisting residents with daily activities like bathing, dressing, or grooming. It involves compassionate and tailored support that considers the importance of a resident’s dignity, comfort and overall quality of life. 

In many cases, needing help with personal care can indicate that your loved one can no longer manage certain tasks alone. If these tasks become too difficult for family members to support, residential care might be necessary. In this guide, we’ll look at what personal care is in a care home setting and the ways it supports the overall well-being of residents.


What is Personal Care?

Personal care can involve bathing, dressing, grooming and toileting someone who can no longer do those tasks for themselves. Personal care in a care home is an essential care element for every resident. The level of support can be varied but should always be focused on meeting people's preferences and supporting them how they want to be supported.

According to the CQC definition - “The regulated activity of Personal care involves providing personal care for people who are unable to provide it for themselves because of old age, illness or disability.”


Personal care services can include:

  • Bathing 
  • Continence care (such as toileting support)
  • Dressing
  • Grooming 
  • Meal support and feeding 
  • Oral hygiene
  • Shaving 
  • Skin care
  • Nail care 
  • Foot care
  • Mobility support
  • Medication assistance 
  • Support with laundry / room tidying
  • Accessing the community

Personal care is not only about meeting physical needs but also considering emotional well-being by creating a sense of independence and dignity.


How Important is Personal Care in a Care Home?

Personal care in a care home plays an important role in ensuring your loved one feels safe, comfortable and cared for. Moving into a care home can be a significant transition but it’s made easier with the consistent, tailored support that personal care can offer. 

As a vital aspect of life in a care home, personal care helps to promote a resident’s dignity, health and self-esteem. It makes people feel like they matter, especially those with mobility issues, memory loss or other age-related conditions. Compassionate personal support can also help to maintain a sense of independence, especially for those who may feel vulnerable due to physical or mental limitations. 

From a health perspective, prioritising personal care helps prevent infections and illness through good hygiene practices. This is particularly important in shared living spaces. Care home staff can also provide personal care to ensure that residents receive proper nutrition and hydration at mealtimes.



Why is Personal Care Important for the Elderly in Residential Care?

For elderly residents in care homes, personal care provides many benefits that support and safeguard physical and emotional health. For example, personal care can help residents with dementia create a sense of routine and establish daily patterns that provide structure and reduce anxiety

Some of the reasons why personal care in care homes is so important for elderly residents include:

  • Promotes dignity - Supporting elderly residents to take pride in their appearance like they once did helps them feel more like themselves and less helpless. Maintaining a clean body, hair and nails and making outfit choices helps to boost self-esteem and enhance independence. Additionally, sensitive and respectful continence care plays a crucial part in preserving dignity. Care home staff help residents manage toileting needs discreetly and effectively to prevent discomfort and embarrassment. This ensures your loved ones feel secure and respected in their daily lives.
  • Supports skin and foot health - Regular skin care and foot care are especially important for elderly residents as the skin becomes thinner and more fragile with age, making it more prone to dryness, sores and infections. Proper foot care, including trimming nails and moisturising, can reduce discomfort, improve mobility and prevent serious conditions, especially for those with conditions like diabetes.
  • Prevents hygiene-related issues - A lack of personal care in a care home can lead to infections, skin conditions, bodily odour and even illnesses like colds, flu and stomach bugs.
  • Provides mental stimulation - In our dementia care homes, interactions during personal care routines can provide residents with mental stimulation as well as a sense of normality. Having a chat while being encouraged to choose an outfit can help a resident feel relaxed and ready for the day while providing something to focus on. Mental stimulation can support memory and decision-making, boost mood and enhance the overall quality of life. This can make these conversations during personal care routines especially valuable.


How to Find Care Homes with Personal Care Services

Choosing a care home that provides compassionate personal care tailored to individual needs is essential for your loved one’s health and well-being.

In our Select Healthcare homes across England and Wales, our professional staff ensures personal care routines are handled with respect and kindness. This gives families peace of mind knowing their loved ones receive the quality care they deserve. If you're looking for care homes that offer essential, dignified personal care, contact our team for more information.

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What Is Personal Care In Care Homes​
Nov 25 2024
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